Bilateral Investment Treaties Concluded by Turkey
Note: This page contains bilateral investment agreements concluded by the Republic of Turkey with various states. The inclusion of the agreement on this page does not necessarily mean that it has been approved and/or entered into force. Check the Official Gazette and Ministry page for confirmation.
Information: The Republic of Turkey signed its first Bilateral Investment Agreement with Germany in Ankara, 1962.
Turkey - Afghanistan
Turkey - Albania
Turkey - Algeria
Turkey - Argentina
Turkey - Australia
Turkey - Austria
Turkey - Azerbaijan
Turkey - Bahrain
Turkey - Bangladesh
Turkey - Bangladesh (Repealed)
Turkey - Belarus
Turkey - Belarus (Repealed)
Turkey - Belgium-Luxembourg
Turkey - Benin
Turkey - Bosnia
Turkey - Bulgaria
Turkey - Burkina Faso
Turkey - Burundi
Turkey - Cambodia
Turkey - Cameroon
Turkey - Chad
Turkey - Chile
Turkey - China
Turkey - China (Repealed)
Turkey - Djibouti
Turkey - Colombia
Turkey - Ivory Coast
Turkey - Croatia
Turkey - Croatia (Repealed)
Turkey - Cuba
Turkey - Czechia (Czech Republic)
Turkey - Czechia (Czech Republic, Repealed)
Turkey - Denmark
Turkey - Egypt
Turkey - Estonia
Turkey - Ethiopia
Turkey - Finland
Turkey - France (French)
Turkey - Gabon
Turkey - Gambia
Turkey - Ghana
Turkey - Georgia
Turkey - Georgia (Repealed)
Turkey - Germany
Turkey - Greece
Turkey - Guatemala
Turkey - Guinea
Turkey - Hungary
Turkey - India
Turkey - Indonesia
Turkey - Iran
Turkey - Israel
Turkey - Italy
Turkey - Japan
Turkey - Jordan
Turkey - Jordan (Repealed)
Turkey - Kazakhstan
Turkey - Kenya
Turkey - Kosovo
Turkey - Kosovo (Repealed)
Turkey - Kuwait
Turkey - Kuwait (Repealed)
Turkey - Kyrgyzstan
Turkey - Kyrgyzstan (Repealed)
Turkey - Latvia
Turkey - Lebanon
Turkey - Libya
Turkey - Lithunia
Turkey - Lithunia (Repealed)
Turkey - (North) Macedonia
Turkey - Malaysia
Turkey - Mali
Turkey - Malta
Turkey - Mauritania
Turkey - Mauritius
Turkey - Mexico
Turkey - Moldova
Turkey - Moldova (Repealed)
Turkey - Mongolia
Turkey - Montenegro
Turkey - Morocco
Turkey - Mozambique
Turkey - Netherlands (Holland)
Turkey - Nigeria
Turkey - Nigeria (Repealed)
Turkey - Oman (Umman)
Turkey - Uzbekistan
Turkey - Pakistan
Turkey - Pakistan (Repealed)
Turkey - State of Palastine
Turkey - Phillippines
Turkey - Poland
Turkey - Portugal
Turkey - Qatar
Turkey - Romania
Turkey - Romania (Repealed)
Turkey - Russia
Turkey - Rwanda
Turkey - Saudi Arabia
Turkey - Senegal
Turkey - Serbia
Turkey - Singapore
Turkey - Slovakia
Turkey - Slovakia (Repealed)
Turkey - Slovakia (Repealed)
Turkey - Slovenia
Turkey - Somalia
Turkey - South Africa
Turkey - (South) Korea
Turkey - (South) Korea (Repealed)
Turkey - Spain
Turkey - Sudan
Turkey - Sweden
Turkey - Switzerland
Turkey - Syria
Turkey - Tajikistan
Turkey - Tanzania
Turkey - Thailand
Turkey - Tunisia
Turkey - Turkmenistan
Turkey - United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Turkey - United Kingdom and North Ireland (UK)
Turkey - Ukraine
Turkey - Ukraine (Repealed)
Turkey - USA
Turkey - Uzbekistan
Turkey - Uzbekistan (Repealed)
Turkey - Viet Nam
Turkey - Yemen
Turkey - Yugoslavia
Turkey - Zambia
Last Update: 09/07/2021 14:26